Estonian pilot buildings

In Estonia, Step 2 has been finished in all of the three pilot buildings and Step 3 is ongoing or is about to start.

In the office building Kiriku 2/4 Step 2 was finished in June and Step 3 will be started in September this year. In Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasium (school building) Step 3 is ongoing including detailed indoor climate measurements. In the last pilot building, Gonsiori office building, Step 3 is also ongoing. Preliminary energy reduction in this building is -6% of thermal energy and -8% of electricity from the periood of 1 January until 30 July. More detailed indoor climate measurements will be carried out to analyze reasons for the difference.

Renovation works are finished in Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasium school building and monitoring and follow-up is ongoing.